Apartment Life Blog

15 Ways to Love Your Neighbors During COVID

Posted by Apartment Life Marketing Team on Mar 2, 2021 7:00:00 AM
Apartment Life Marketing Team

It's the never-ending pandemic. Our neighbors are tired and feeling isolated - here's some ways to show them some extra love!

3-Jan-05-2021-06-58-22-34-PM1. Write a note: Here's a free template :)

2. Send a pizza: Brighten someone's day with a simple gesture like ordering hot pizza to be delivered to a first responder, teacher, or busy parents who are trying to juggle work and homeschooling kids. 

3. Call someone on a regular basis: Being in isolation is especially hard for those who live alone and might feel cut off. A 15-minute FaceTime call can help a neighbor feel connected and loved. 

4. Shop for a senior: Offer to help shop for food and pick up medications for seniors and others at risk, or form a group to help.

5. Support the people who serve you: Go ahead and send an online payment to your hairdresser, babysitter, dance teacher, or anyone who regularly serves you and is suddenly out of work now. A little Venmo, PayPal, or Apple Pay donation goes a long way.

6. Give blood: Blood drives across the country have been cancelled, and the American Red Cross is reporting a severe shortage of blood. Contact your local Red Cross and find a location to donate.

7. Shop local: Call local businesses and restaurants to ask whether they’re open, and how you can (safely) support them. Order delivery, merchandise, or a gift card online for future use.

8. Share your talents:

  • Love to exercise? Create a fun workout video to share with your friends. Or send your neighbors a meeting request and do a virtual workout together from your respective living rooms. 
  • Offer music lessons through apps like FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype. This can be a great chance to teach other children how to play an instrument or sing. If you have older kids, this might be a fun way for them to try out their teaching skills by having them teach the other kids in the neighborhood an instrument that they already may be playing.
  • Have a love for a particular school subject? You and your older kids can set up virtual tutoring sessions for kids in the neighborhood.
9. Get crafty: Have your kids create crafts or cards that you can deliver to the neighbors or leave in their mailboxes. Creating colorful artwork to hang in the front window can be a great way to brighten someone’s day as they walk by. If it’s a nice day, a stick of sidewalk chalk can turn your driveway or sidewalk into a stunning canvas (if you live in an apartment, ask your property manager first). These drawings will undoubtedly bring a smile to your neighbors’ faces.

10. Phone it in: Many charities and churches need volunteers to make weekly phone calls to help alleviate social isolation among the elderly and homebound. Call your church, nursing home, or a favorite charity to see if you can help make some calls.

11. Treat your delivery driver and mail carrier: Put a container of water and snacks by your mailbox or front door with a sign encouraging them to help themselves. 


12. Start a neighborhood volunteer network: Use a social network to match the needs of your neighbors, like groceries and pharmacy runs with others who can help.

13. Grant a wish: Did you know most homeless ministries, shelters, and other charities have a wish list on Amazon? Check your favorite charity’s website to see if there are items you can order or drop-off. 

14. Don’t complain: Try to refrain from complaining about the things we have to give up in this season while so many people in the world suffer. This is our moment to be the voice of faith, hope, and love – especially on social media.

15. Run Club: Set up a group “race” and join each other virtually while you walk or run outside. Strava is a great app to create a club competition! 


What are some things you are doing to love your neighbors well? Tell us in the comments!







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