Apartment Life Blog

Adaptable Events | Movie Night in the Year of COVID

Written by Apartment LIfe | Dec 9, 2020 9:46:08 PM

So let me guess…you’re tired of constantly having to pivot your ideas as state restrictions wane in and out. Well, we’re here to help calm the #covidchaos by providing you with resources to plan your events on a spectrum!

First up: Movie Night


Movie Night on a Spectrum


  • Limit RSVPs via email, text, FB group, Google form, flyer.

  • Require masks.

  • Provide a hand sanitizing station and post signs reminding people to wash or sanitize their hands.

  • If you’re not handing things directly to guests with gloves on, have signs encouraging to “please only handle your own food/items.”

  • Have a sign or one coordinator at the door to address attendance limit and share “we can’t wait to hang out with you at our next event!” for all those who didn’t RSVP.

  • Social Distancing “dots” to encourage six-foot spacing.

  • Consider a location where you can socially distance guests - pool area, green space, parking deck, etc.

  • Decide between a drive-in or separated seating.

  • Set up a projector and screen - you can find one here and here or get crafty and make one yourself!

  • Display a table of pre-packaged snacks and drinks

  • Want to take it even further?

    • Consider a popcorn machine (reach out to your program director for referrals)

    • Set up a “photo booth” with props


  • Quick interaction

  • Require masks.

  • Provide a hand sanitizing station and post signs reminding people to wash or sanitize their hands.

  • If you’re not handing things directly to guests with gloves on, have signs encouraging to “please only handle your own food/items.”

  • Social Distancing “dots” to encourage six-foot spacing

  • Create little party packs for residents to bring the movie night into their homes.

  • Offer pre-packaged candy, bags of popcorn, and sodas, tied off with a cute tag.

  • Consider how to offer the movie:

    • Netflix code for a community watch party? View details here.

    • Redbox coupon

    • Giftcard

    • On your own

  • Set up your table display and have residents swing by to receive their party packs.


  • Little to no interaction
  • Coordinators wear gloves and masks


  • Packaging is everything with door drops!

  • Check out some of our boxed ideas on our Pinterest page.

  • Delineate drop-off delivery method on the flyer (ie: knocking or “check your door at x time”).

  • Bonus tip: Include a hashtag to encourage online chatter and provide an opportunity to re-share happy resident reviews!

Tune in next week for another highlight in our “Adaptable Events” series! And don’t forget… keep tagging @aptlife in all your gorgeous pictures so we can celebrate your creativity and success!

Apartment Life Teams... what are you favorite event hacks? Leave us a comment!