Apartment Life Blog

It's All About the Buzz: Event Promotion

Written by Apartment Life | Feb 1, 2024 4:00:00 PM

"It all started with a flyer in the elevator." That's how one resident's story began as he shared about his amazing experience living in an Apartment Life community. The flyer was colorful and fun. He didn't want to be the only resident to miss out on an awesome party. Once he arrived at the event a week later - a cookout and pool party - he was welcomed by his coordinators and struck up what became a years long friendship with them and many other neighbors. 

That's the impact that a simple flyer can make. As you promote events, you're not only telling residents the details of when and where, you're inviting them into an experience that leads to relationships. Good promotion tells people where to be. Great promotion makes people feel compelled to come and experience something for themselves. 

Great promotion also generates anticipation. It creates what we at Apartment Life call "the buzz," as residents get excited about what's coming and begin to spread the word throughout the community. Here is a step-by-step process for promotion that gets attention and builds anticipation:

1. Start with an Eye-Catching Design. 

With flyers and graphics, it's no secret that Canva is an essential (and free) resource that Apartment Life Coordinators can't live without. In addition to the important details of when and where, use your promotion to evoke a feeling. Is this event upscale or casual? What kind of food will be served? Include your vendor if you're using one, along with their logo when possible.
And the great news is, you don't have to reinvent the wheel! Did you know that Apartment Life has a Pinterest account full of pre-designed Canva templates that can be customized for your events? If graphic design isn't your thing, we've made it easy for you to pick from a wide variety of templates to help you share your message. 

2. Build Out a Predictable Rhythm for Promotion 

One of the best ways to build anticipation is to let residents know when they can expect event updates and announcements. Creating a regular rhythm will also help you balance the details of planning multiple events at once so that you know you're on track. This could mean putting monthly event calendars in your community elevators and common spaces on the first day of every month. You might find that scheduling event posts on social media two weeks in advance is most helpful. Whatever your rhythm, make it regular and predictable so that residents will start to expect your communication and keep an eye out for event-related announcements.

3. Always Cross-Promote
What's the best way to spread the word to residents: social media, hard copy flyers, or e-mail blasts? The answer is, all of the above! Not only will cross-promotion help you to reach more residents, but it will also provide helpful reminders in a few different places. This step is where "the buzz" is born - that intangible excitement leading up to an event. As residents engage with event promotion, you will build momentum and expectation. Residents may even help you promote by word of mouth, and before you know it, your event becomes the talk of the whole community. When the day of the event finally rolls around, your neighbors will walk through the door excited and ready to have a good time. Isn't that always the goal of every event planner? 
During the event, don't forget to post videos/photos/reels. And follow up with a next-day post recapping the fun. Even after your event is over, it can help you build traction and excitement for the next one. 
And there you have it, a few simple steps to help you maximize your promotional efforts to reach the most residents and build anticipation before your event even begins! Do you have tips or tricks for creating "the buzz" at your community? We want to hear from you - drop a comment below!