Apartment Life Blog

Three Ways to Maximize Amenity Spaces in 2023

Written by Apartment Life | Mar 30, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Being in the multifamily sector means adapting to ever-changing trends in residents' lifestyles and housing needs. Multifamily Executive recently offered some advice to help apartment communities get ahead of the curve by highlighting 9 Emerging Trends Coming to Multifamily Living in 2023.

One of the common challenges apartment communities face when addressing future trends, however, is how to leverage existing amenity spaces to meet new or emerging desires. That's where Apartment Life comes in. While it's not possible to rebuild amenity spaces from ground zero every time a new housing trend surfaces, a dedicated and creative Apartment Life Coordinator can reimagine the use of existing spaces and utilize amenities to lean into current trends. 

Here are three ways that apartment communities can maximize their amenity spaces to meet the needs of residents in 2023: 

1. Cater to Changing Work Trends

With more and more residents working from home, it's important for apartment communities to recognize the growing trend of remote work. Recently, two of our Apartment Life Coordinators in North Carolina were inspired to host a once-a-month weekday lunch in their clubroom specifically targeted at residents who work from home. The event was an immediate hit, drawing in residents who otherwise had not participated in events and creating a sense of community amongst those that work remotely. 
Among changing work trends, apartment communities are also seeing a rise in creative workers, such as entrepreneurs, social media influencers, content creators, podcasters, etc. Resident events are vital part of a community engagement strategy, which brings creative residents together and also creates platforms for them to network. 

2. Jump on the Pickleball Bandwagon

As Multifamily Executive notes, pickleball is getting major attention as an up-and-coming sport, with both young and older populations alike. Developers are responding by installing outdoor courts to boast this unique amenity, and renters are loving it. However, this doesn't mean that pre-existing communities have to sit and watch from the sidelines. Tennis courts can easily be converted to pickleball courts, allowing a community to add an amenity without having to build anything new. 

Once the court is set up, make the most of use of it by organizing regular coaching events for new players and competitions for residents to enjoy a little friendly competition with neighbors.

 3. Tune into Resident Wellness 
Gyms and fitness rooms have long been a mainstay in apartment communities, but moving into 2023, developers are expanding health-related amenities through the addition of spaces for meditation, massages, and even saunas. Self-care and physical recovery are becoming the norm when considering resident wellness.
For communities that don't have the option of creating additional dedicated wellness spaces, events can provide another way to offer the same services in existing amenity areas. Apartment Life Coordinators in Nashville recently partnered with a local masseuse to provide a free after-work spa event, during which residents could receive free massages, a glass of wine, and pre-made spa kits to unwind and relax at home. 
For communities that would like to offer regular fitness or self-care experiences for residents, Apartment Life Coordinators are experts at using space creatively and hosting everything from poolside yoga to rooftop Pilates, and more (even goat yoga!), all within existing amenity spaces. Painting, cooking, and creative art have also struck a chord with residents looking for opportunities for self-improvement and relaxation amongst neighbors. 
While trends in the multifamily sector may be ever evolving, it's possible to stay ahead of the curve through an intentional and engaging events strategy that makes the most use out of existing spaces. As residents engage with amenities in new and reimagined ways, they'll continue to be surprised and delighted with the community that they call home. 
If you're ready to learn more about how Apartment Life can help with your resident engagement strategy and help you get the most out of your amenities, reach out to us here.