Apartment Life Blog

Virtual Sign-Ups

Written by Christy Laue | Apr 13, 2020 9:17:29 PM

Whether you’re doing no-contact deliveries yourself to neighbors, arranging for a vendor to deliver goodies, or taking a survey of needs in your community… a virtual sign-up sheet is a great idea! It can keep you organized and keep neighbors "in the know” of what’s going on around the community.

Here are some ideas for using them and virtual options. All of these forms are customizable, come with lots of options, and are user-friendly!

Ways to Use Sign-Ups

Example One:

I’d like to take a survey of needs in my community. Does anyone need me to run to the pharmacy for them? Anyone need toilet paper? Distribute a virtual sign-up sheet through your community’s Facebook Group to see who needs what, so you can make some no-contact deliveries!

Example Two:

This month we’re organizing three virtual activities in our community! For our Netflix party, we’re no-contact delivering movie snacks. For virtual bingo, we’re delivering fun bingo-themed items. For our Yellowstone National Park “tour” that we’re hosting on Zoom, we want to no-contact deliver stones, paint, and markers for making kindness stones to distribute around our community. Wouldn’t it be nice to know who was going to participate in what activity so you could purchase the correct number of supplies and know where to make those no-contact deliveries to?








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